Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cold Feet, Maybe, Maybe Not...

I think I have a thing for couches. I am currently once again curled up on a couch; except this time, I am tucked away in the comfort of my parents’ house. These last couple of weeks have been absolutely crazy. I had a ton of group projects, two major papers, and four real finals. I finished my last final about 48 hour ago, and I feel like ages have gone by since it. If that is not an illustration of what kind of a whirl wind, my life has been in the last couple of weeks then I do not know what is…

I have completed finals and all of the other busy work associated with them, celebrated my and some good friends’ 21st birthdays, said many a goodbye, and moved out of my apartment. I could have never imagined I had that much stuff, until I saw it all in a UHAUL van. Now, all of my stuff is just jammed into my room at my parents’ house, and I pretty much have to summersault over things in order to get to my bed. Yet, I will need to open all of these boxes, rummages through them, and find what I need for Turkey all within the next 48 hours.

My flight for D.C. leaves bright and early (or at the crack of dawn if you will…5:00am) on Wednesday morning and I am getting overwhelmed just thinking about all of the things I need to do before I leave. I have still not bought my tickets to Austria, but my friend, Josie and I made a pretty good attempt at purchasing them. However, STA just would not cooperate with us. They show wonderful prices, but then when you try to purchase the tickets it comes up with an error message. I even went in and talked to someone in person at the travel agency, and she told me that it is an error in the system, but that there is nothing she can do about it. Oh well, it will work itself out hopefully.

In the meantime, I have been mentally trying to prepare for my time in Turkey. I have been slowly getting excited for the trip. I still have not really had the opportunity to fully decompress form the stresses of finals week and moving out, and am a little scared of the academic rigor of the program, but am still excited for the trip overall. If nothing else, the prospect of warm weather and an ocean that will not cause me hypothermia in less than fifteen minutes seems hopeful.

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